First Principles and Second Sight, with Iain McGilchrist & Alastair McIntosh

Описание к видео First Principles and Second Sight, with Iain McGilchrist & Alastair McIntosh

These two much-admired figures are expert generalists and are often thought of as Scottish sages. This was the first time they had the opportunity to speak together in person.

They have many points of shared interest and experience. They are both islanders, with Alastair hailing from Lewis, and Iain living on Skye. They are also both scientifically trained philosophers and have a keen appreciation for what science helpfully discloses, but they also recognise that the limits of science are not the limits of the world.

They are both what might be called ‘first principles’ thinkers, interested in the deep roots of reality or metaphysics, manifest in curiosity about ontology (what exists), epistemology (what and how we know), axiology (what is of value), and cosmology (what is the overarching story of the universe).

There are some noteworthy differences too. Iain’s background is as a literary academic, (neuro)psychiatrist, and scholarly writer, while Alastair has deep knowledge of our ecological predicament, stories to tell about pilgrimages and partnerships, and a rich history of activism and community building, particularly through land reform. This ‘same but different’ combination is lays the ground for a generative conversation.


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