Lanbitou 3059 - Budget Demonstrator Fountain Pen Review #4

Описание к видео Lanbitou 3059 - Budget Demonstrator Fountain Pen Review #4

Our fourth entrant in the budget demonstrator series is another Chinese piston-filler, the Lanbitou 3059. It’s clearly inspired by the TWSBI Eco,

In this video, I compare the Lanbitou to the #3 pen in the series, which unfortunately turned out to be a knockoff NOT an actual Wing Sung 3008. Rather than reshoot this video, I just added a subtitle every time I say "Wing Sung". 😬

I'm not listing the source for this pen because it's the same source that sold me the not-really-a-Wing Sung 3008, so I don't want to send them business. 😐


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