Should You Play WoW In 2023 - WoW Dragonflight Review

Описание к видео Should You Play WoW In 2023 - WoW Dragonflight Review

Should you play WoW in 2023 as a new or returning player?
In this World of Warcraft Dragonflight Review, I wanted to discuss the best parts about WoW Dragonflight, the issues with Dragonflight and what has changed with the new expansion and overall, answer the question of should you play wow Dragonflight!

WoW 9th expansion Dragonflight released in November 2022 and seen huge success and lots of positivity, so I wanted to give a detailed WoW Dragonflight Review in 2023 for anybody on the fence about playing or returning to Azeroth to play Dragonflight. Hopefully after this review it should help with the question - Should you play WoW in 2023

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0:00 Why Play WoW Dragonflight?
4:15 Endgame Experience
8:20 Problems with WoW
12:20 Is it too late to start?
14:25 Overall Summary


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