舒緩下腰痛或坐骨神經痛的瑜珈動作_Yoga for Releasing Low back pain or Sciatica

Описание к видео 舒緩下腰痛或坐骨神經痛的瑜珈動作_Yoga for Releasing Low back pain or Sciatica

舒緩下腰痛或坐骨神經痛的瑜珈動作_Yoga for Releasing Low back pain or Sciatica (Ida Poon You Tube瑜珈教學_A Teaching Lesson of Ida Poon in You Tube Channel)

最近,有瑜珈學生反映有坐骨神經痛,坐骨神經是人體最長的神經,從腰椎第四、五節開始,沿著大腿後側再分支到小腿、腳趾頭,坐骨神經會經過梨狀肌下方進入大腿,所以當梨狀肌繃緊時,自然會壓迫到坐骨神經,感覺到痛楚,因此久坐、愛翹腳、坐矮椅或經常蹲著的人,盆骨有偏差,容易患有梨狀肌症候群。因此今日我們會示範一些舒緩坐骨神經痛的瑜珈動作,希望幫到有坐骨神經痛的瑜珈同學或朋友。記得先做熱身才開始練習瑜珈動作。享受瑜珈, 享受生命! Namaste!

1) 筋腱評估及諮詢服務 (適合任何人仕, 特别是長者或筋縮者)
2) 参加伸展/開心/親子/長者瑜珈班 (或單人/二人同行)
3) 專業心理輔導 (個人、婚姻及家庭關係、性障礙輔導、親子遊戲輔導、催眠治療…)

(灣仔地鐵站A2出口, 向銅鑼灣方向行5分鐘)
電話:2527 4000 / 9303 1671
電郵:[email protected]
網址: http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/yoga/
Instagram: bhakti_yoga_hk
Facebook:   / bhaktiyogahk  
Meetup: 伸展瑜珈班_Stretching-Yoga-Group

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Hare Krsna. Recently yoga student reflects he has low back pain or sciatica. Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in our human body, starting from the fourth and fifth lumbar spine, along the back of the thigh branch to the shank, toes. Sciatic nerve through the piriformis muscle to the thigh. When the piriformis muscle is tense, it will force to the sciatic nerve and then we will feel pain. Sitting longer time, sitting cross-legged in the chair, sitting in a low-length chair or often squatting, their pelvic will be unbalanced and are easy to suffer from the illness of Piriformis Syndrome. So today we will demonstrate some yoga postures to release our low back pain or sciatica. Remember to do warm-up exercises first before performing our Energized Yoga. Enjoy Yoga, Enjoy Life! Namaste!

1) Tendon assessment and consultation service (suitable for all persons, especially for the elderly or person cannot extend the tendon properly)
2) Enrollment in our Stretching/Happy/Parent-child/Senior Persons Yoga classes (or Single/2 persons class)
3) Professional Counseling Service (Individual, Marital and Family Relationship, Sex Counseling, Parent-Child Play Counseling, Hypnotherapy…)

Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre Limited
Rm B, 3/F, Sze Lai Bldg, 243 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, HK.
(MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit A2, walk to Causeway Bay direction around 5 minutes)
Tel: 25274000 / 9303 1671
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/yoga/
Instagram: bhakti_yoga_hk
Facebook:   / bhaktiyogahk  
Meetup: 伸展瑜珈班_Stretching-Yoga-Group


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