Why did lyricist Shailendra's medal and handwritten poems be stolen ?

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Lyricist Shailendra..a genius who was considered a lyricist in the tradition of Sant Raidas and Kabir. But the truth is that he needed to hide his identity to enter Bollywood and lyricist Shailendra had created his identity..with his pen name..and all this was happening in the most successful phase of Bollywood..which' called the 'Golden Era'.
Being partite and being opportunistic is still not a common thing in today's modern age.
It is strange when people thump their chest about being a general class (Brahmin Rajput), everyday seems normal. This is the truth of our times.
But that truth of the time was forgotten, where the salvation of Shabari's deprivation is hidden in the Chhatriya avatar of Ram. Where among the eight queens of Krishna, the honor of the Nishad princess of the forest is hidden. Where is hidden, the nectar of service and work of Saint Raidas. Mahatma Gandhi spoke of Harijans and the same majority is today the victim of neglect.Why Shailendra's caste identity..while everyone knew that lyricist Javed Akhtar was born in a communist Muslim family..Sahir Ludhianvi's landlord father was the enemy of his life..and Ghalib remained alone. All this was not a hidden secret, then why..the greatest lyricist of this century Shailendra had to hide his identity in Bollywood..
The Dalit youth generation lacks road models, they do not have role models who can encourage them to dream big. Those who have been suppressed for centuries..can become a source of inspiration for them to live with their heads held high. And in such a situation, becoming a role model of an amazing talent like Shailendra, the greatest lyricist of all time, was nothing less than a miracle.Legendary lyricist Shailendra Hindi cinema was such a universal talent, who wrote classical great songs on every color, every aspect, and every philosophy of life in Hindi films. Be it love songs, romantic songs or devotional songs, Shailendra, the lyricist of his songs, wrote nazms raising the sentiments of the common people, their problems and gave them to the film makers, no matter what the situation. Shailendra, the greatest lyricist of all time, in every test, in every situation,Wrote songs that go deep into the heart, in easy to understand words.Which can't be compared to anyone even today.Even today very few people would know that..the greatest lyricist of this century Shailendra was also a great scholar and critic of Hindi literature. His works of Hindi literature are still the biggest source of inspiration for budding writers and lyricists.Which great lyricist Shailendra got recognition from his film songs. Who was called Raidas of the film world..and some other scholars compare Shailendra, the greatest lyricist of all time, with well-known French poets like Charles Pierre Baudelaire and Etienne Malarme. Whom the ephemerality of life of urban metropolitan, big cities..his short-lived experience And to capture that experience, the term modernism is credited with coining the responsibility of artistic expression.On February 21, 2015, an incident happened which was completely suppressed by the media. Shailendra's son Dinesh Sailesh celebrating their wedding anniversary in Mumbai on 21 February 2015. Around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 30 local goons forcibly entered Dinesh Shailendra's house with baseball rackets and sticks in their hands and snatched the mobiles of Dinesh Shailendra and his wife and forced them to sit in a corner and put each household item in a truck. Started. Those goons didn't even spare a spoon.They started putting every household item in the truck. Those goons didn't even spare a spoon. The goons took away Shailendra's handwritten poems, letters, awards, medals. These goons also wanted to forcibly take away Dinesh Shailendra and his wife. But a man passing by understood the actions of those goons and called the police. Seeing the police, the goons ran away leaving Dinesh Shailendra and his wife.But all the belongings of the house and every memory of Shailendra were forcibly loaded into the truck and left, whose whereabouts are not known till date. F.I.R. happened, a man was arrested and then released without questioning.This incident doesn't remind you of the Nalanda fire..when the civilization of history was burnt to ashes for 3 months and no one said anything and this is what happened with Shailendra By the way, you all must know, Shailendra is not the first Vibhuti, whose store of knowledge has been tried to be erased from the root, nor is he the last Vibhuti, whose memories have been removed from the consciousness of the people.It was not possible to touch the power of the pen of Shailendra, the greatest lyricist of all time, and his courage who believed in the victory of life and is not even today. We salute the courage and songs of the greatest lyricist of all time Shelendra..

Arvind pathak jee


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