A 14-year-old boy from Cape Race, Newfoundland was first to receive the Titanic's distress signal

Описание к видео A 14-year-old boy from Cape Race, Newfoundland was first to receive the Titanic's distress signal

Telegrapher David Myrick reflects on the time his great uncle Jimmy -- then only 14 years old -- received the Titanic's first distress signal in Cape Race, Newfoundland and Labrador. Located 300 miles due south of the Titanic wreck, Cape Race is a rugged, mysterious land mass often wreathed in fog. From here, numerous successful research expeditions to the fateful site have been made over the years. Today, a century on, visitors can explore the Myrick Wireless Interpretation Centre and remember a time when the unthinkable happened to the world's only unsinkable ship.



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