SEAM AGATE Cut and Polished | Cutting Rocks #14

Описание к видео SEAM AGATE Cut and Polished | Cutting Rocks #14

In this video I cut and polish some of the Jelly Seam Agate that we found in last week's rockhounding adventure video. One of the pieces turned out AMAZING!! Come along and discover the beauty in this seam agate with me!

P L E A S E H E L P S U P P O R T O U R C H A N N E L *
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C H E C K O U T O U R O T H E R R O C K H O U N D I N G & L A P I D A R Y A D V E N T U R E S *

F O L L O W U S O N I N S T A G R A M *
  / rockhoundin.  .

F O L L O W U S O N F A C E B O O K *
  / rockhounding.  .

E M A I L *
[email protected]

H I - T E C H D I A M O N D *​​​​​​
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A M A Z I N G R O C K H O U N D I N G & L A P I D A R Y C H A N N E L S *
@Marlaina Atkins
@Montana Rock Mom
@Gravel Bar Hopper
@Michigan Rocks
@KatyDid ROCKS!
@Currently Rockhounding
@Theo Kellison
@Agate Angler
@Agate Dad
@Natural Stones​
@World of Rock Hounds
@Elley Knows Rocks

M U S I C A L C R E D I T S * (in order of appearance)
Song: Backrub
Musician: Mikos Da Gawd

Song: Papov
Musician: Yung Logos

Song: Puppy Love
Musician: Bad Snacks

#thefinders #lapidary #agate


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