Ex Said We Will Never Get Back Together? Do They Really Mean it?

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If your ex said that you will never get back together, it can be normal to think that your chances, your odds, or your hopes of getting back together are essentially zero.

But is it true?

Well, not exactly.

You have to understand that your ex says things from an emotional place. They may have told you that the two of you will never get back together because in that moment they were upset or angry with you.

The emotion of anger, for example, is driving them to say that.

If their emotional state changes, there is a very real chance that they may stop saying that the two of you will never get back together.

That is to say, if they are no longer angry at you, they might change their mind and stop walling you out.

So, if you change your ex's emotional context, the things that they say will often change.

This means that there isn't really any sort of black-and-white finality when it comes to you and your ex getting back together or not.


Because people's emotions and feelings change all the time. Sometimes on their own. Sometimes because they were approached in just the right way that finally got through to them.

And if you want to develop the skills to help shift your ex's emotional state, head on over to http://relationshipinnergame.com


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