《權柄與順服》"Authority and Submission"-倪柝聲(Watchman Nee)-

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《權柄與順服》"Authority and Submission"-倪柝聲(Watchman Nee)-






"Authority and Submission" is a book written by Watchman Nee, a Chinese Christian teacher and author who was influential in the early 20th century. In this book, Nee discusses the importance of understanding the biblical concept of authority and submission in the Christian life.

Nee argues that all authority ultimately comes from God, and that those in positions of authority, whether in the church or in other areas of life, are accountable to Him. He also emphasizes the importance of submitting to authority, both as a way to honor God and to benefit oneself and others.

The book covers a wide range of topics related to authority and submission, including the role of parents and children, the relationship between husbands and wives, the authority of church leaders, and the importance of submission in the workplace and in society as a whole.

Nee emphasizes that submission does not mean blind obedience or a loss of personal autonomy, but rather a willingness to yield to authority out of respect for God and His design for human relationships. He also stresses that those in positions of authority have a responsibility to exercise that authority with humility, kindness, and a servant's heart.

Overall, "Authority and Submission" offers a biblical perspective on these important concepts and provides practical guidance for Christians seeking to live out their faith in all areas of life.




00:00:00 第00小時00分鐘:《權柄與順服》-倪柝聲-第一章權柄的重要,第二章舊約中背叛的例子(一),第三章舊約中背叛的例子(二),第四章大對權柄的認識,
00:30:37 第00小時30分鐘:亞比戶的故事是何等的嚴肅!他們所以能作祭司是因屬於亞倫家,是因這一家在神面前的光景對,而不是因其個人對。
00:45:19 第00小時45分鐘:他們的物件,什麼都不可摸,恐怕你們陷在他們的罪中,與他們,一同消滅。於是眾人離開可拉,大坍,亞比蘭帳棚的四圍。
01:15:04 第01小時15分鐘:惟有順服的人才能經歷救恩的豐盛,否則就把救恩的性質改變了。我們當順服像主一樣,主耶穌憑順從使成了我們得救的根源。
01:30:15 第01小時30分鐘:如果我們只認識神的權柄在祂自己身上,我們就可能過半以上干犯了神的權柄。
01:45:27 第01小時45分鐘:你要聽誰的話。基督徒要有兩個感覺:一個是罪的感覺,一個是權柄的感覺。
02:00:22 第02小時00分鐘:神的心意是要我們完全的順服,我們必須被神帶領到一種程度,像身子順服頭一樣,神才滿意。這不是丈夫和妻子等可以代表的。
02:15:47 第02小時15分鐘:而裏面沒有攔阻的感覺,這人就是從來沒有遇見過權柄。人在背叛中說話,是比在背叛中作事容易多了。
02:30:47 第02小時30分鐘:撒但是要與神同等。所有認識神的人,只有順服,不講理由,這兩個沒有調和的可能。人要學習順服,就得把理由撇棄。
02:45:15 第02小時45分鐘:他的心意尚未被神奪回,所,以他到一個地方,頭一個思想就想「改良」。心意沒有受管教,理由是滿多的,是沒有被攻破的。
03:00:14 第03小時00分鐘:(五)人一遇見權柄,別人若有干犯的事,他就馬上知道,也能看見許多的不法,也能覺得許多的背叛。


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