Billboard FAQs #2

Описание к видео Billboard FAQs #2

Today's Billboard FAQs is from questions asked from Whitney Schnabel in our Billboard Entrepreneurs group.

1. Are digital billboards a good investment for someone who has never been in any sales before?

2. Are there any sure ways to get ad sales even if you don’t have a sales mindset naturally?

3. What range of hours need to be worked to manage one fully functioning digital billboard?

4. How far in advance do you fill your digital billboard advertising slots?

5. If our economy continues to tank will digital billboards hold their income rate?

6. Is it better to build new in a dense/high traffic area even if it’s several states away than locally if you are just starting out?

7. Have you seen or heard of digital billboards failing to thrive? What could be some causes of failure?

8. How quick can a billboard get up and running (from the decision to get into it to running the first ad?)


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