"Amira Permadi, Anton PermadiMake Indonesia Proud in Intl. Competitions"

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Mari mengenal lebih dekat dengan salah satu atlet golf muda Amira Permadi yang meraih banyak prestasi di kompetisi lokal dan internasional. Dalam segmen talkshow Sea the Stories, Amira bercerita bagaimana ia berkecimpung dan mengenal golf diusia 7 tahun hingga meraih Juara I di Turnamen US Kids Golf Fall Local Tour di Dos Lagos, California dan US Kids Golf Summer Local Tour Los Angeles (Tour Champion) di Palmdale, California.
Let's get to know one of a young golfer Amira Permadi, who has achieved much in local and international competitions. In the Sea the Stories talk show segment, Amira tells how she got involved and was introduced to golf at the age of 7 until she won 1st place in the US Kids Golf Fall Local Tournament in Dos Lagos, California and US Kids Golf Summer Local Tour Los Angeles (Tour Champion) in Palmdale, California.#SEAToday #SEATodayNews

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