興建香港西九龍站 Building Hong Kong West Kowloon Station

Описание к видео 興建香港西九龍站 Building Hong Kong West Kowloon Station

位於西九文化區內的香港西九龍站,於 2010 年動工,並預計於 2018 年第三季完成,將會成為維港兩岸的其中一座地標式建築,樓面面積達 38 萬平方米,最底層設有 15 個月台

The Hong Kong West Kowloon Station located inside West Kowloon Cultural District started to build in 2010 and estimated to be completed in Q3, 2018

The Station will become a landmark of Victoria Harbour and have 380,000 square metres of total gross floor area plus 15 platforms at the lowest level


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