'Dog Fart Grass' 🐶💨🌿 + Rare Buffalo Salad - Amazing Northern Thai Food at Home Restaurant

Описание к видео 'Dog Fart Grass' 🐶💨🌿 + Rare Buffalo Salad - Amazing Northern Thai Food at Home Restaurant

My friend P'Num has been talking about this place for years - so happy that we finally got to go!

Google Map location for Laap Mae Pikun
Total Price of this meal 700 Baht for 4 people (23$US)

Another visit to the beautiful town of Phrae, a place I will never get tired to see! Great day hanging out with these friends, and wow what local food we share today...

I hope you enjoy the BONUS of Khun Trunk playing at the end. I have known him since he was in year 8 of school (he is my friend's son), and now he is starting his 2nd year of Uni (meeting a lot of people with his singing skills Im sure!). So impressed with his playing, happy to include him playing in this video.**

Stay tuned for part 2, even MORE local and crazy treats (known to me only be name, but never eaten!), as well as a massive mountain climb to the Khun Sataan National Park.

Much love everyone, thanks so much for joining, and I wish you all the best. Whatever today holds, make it good in some way, appreciate what you have, and stay hopeful for tomorrow.

Much love!

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