Lundu da Cachaça: Myrna Herzog, Ensemble PHOENIX, The Madrigal Singers, Itamar Hildesheim

Описание к видео Lundu da Cachaça: Myrna Herzog, Ensemble PHOENIX, The Madrigal Singers, Itamar Hildesheim

This delicious lundu da Cachaça praises the virtues of the Brazil's national hard drink. It closed a full program celebrating the bicentenary of Brazil's Independence (1822-2022). Brazilian conductor Myrna Herzog took the occasion to write the two last verses in homage to Emperor Pedro I, the one who proclaimed the Independence.

The lundú or lundum was a popular sensuous African dance brought to Brazil by Bantu slaves. It became very popular during the 19th century, when it also entered the salons of the aristocracy.


Estrofes 1-2 (originais)
A cachaça é moça branca,
É filha de homem trigueiro.
Quem toma amor a ela
Não pode ajuntar dinheiro.

The cachaça is a white girl,
the daughter of a dark-skinned man.
The one who falls in love with her
is incapable to save money.

Verses 1-2 (original)
Marimbondo dono do mato,
Carrapato dono da folha,
Todo mundo bebe cachaça
Negro angola só leva fama.

The wasp, owner of the forest,
The tick, owner of the leaves,
Everybody drinks cachaça
The black from Angola just gets the credit.

Refrão (original)
Se beber alegra a gente
Fumar nos dá prazer
Quem não fuma, quem não bebe
Que alegria pode ter?

Chorus (original)
If drinking makes us happy
smoking gives us pleasure
Who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink
What joy can he have?

Verses 3-4 (by Myrna Herzog)
Viva, viva a competência
De Pedro, o Imperador
Proclama a Independência
e é exímio compositor.

O Brasil Independente
É festa pra toda gente!
Vamos brindar com cachaça,
com bebida e muita graça!

Long live the competence
Of Peter the Emperor
He proclaims the Independence
and is a great composer.

The Independent Brazil
Is a feast for everyone!
Let's toast with cachaça,
with drinks and lots of fun!


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