শীর খুরমা |Sheer Khurma Recipe - Eid Special Recipe - Famous Dessert by (RB Kitchen)

Описание к видео শীর খুরমা |Sheer Khurma Recipe - Eid Special Recipe - Famous Dessert by (RB Kitchen)

ঈদ স্পেশাল ফেমাস ডেজার্ট শীর খুরমা | Sheer Khurma Eid special famous dessert recipe

1 cup semai
1 litre milk
1/2 cup milk powder
3/4 cup condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon green cardamom powder
1 pinch saffron
Pinch of salt
Some Almond, pistachio and cashew nut

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Eid Special Recipe // ঈদের রেসিপি:    • Eid Special Recipe //  ঈদের রেসিপি   👌👌👌


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