The Canadian Residential School Documentary

Описание к видео The Canadian Residential School Documentary

This is the Canadian residential school documentary. Canadian residential schools started in the late 1800s which were a government-sponsored religious school that was established in order to forcefully assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian culture. The Canadian government's Department of Indian Affairs (DIA) officially encouraged the growth of the residential school system as a valuable component in a wider policy of integrating Indigenous people into Euro-Canadian society. Residential schools were created by Christian churches and the Canadian government as an attempt to both educate and convert Indigenous youth and to assimilate them into Canadian society.

However, the schools have disrupted lives and communities, causing lifelong problems. There are hundreds of scary stories from students who were admitted to the school and how terrible their experiences were. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) considered it to be a cultural genocide, a conclusion that echoed the words of historian John Milloy, who argued that the system's aim was to "kill the Indian in the child."

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