What Type of Weapon To Use In Ravendawn? [ Guide ]

Описание к видео What Type of Weapon To Use In Ravendawn? [ Guide ]

Hi, I'm Orange Vest, I make guides and contents for a variety of games, mostly ARPGs and niche MMOs such as POE, Last Epoch, Diablo and Ravendawn. I stream on Twitch most nights from 9PM - 12AM EDT. Come hangout!

Let's talk about the differences between weapon types in Ravendawn, this is a core system in building your character and it's something that the game's tutorial didn't fully explain to new players. Resources used for the video:

Ravendawn Equipment Dev Blog: https://ravendawn.online/en/home/view/2797...
Ravendawn Wiki: https://wiki.ravendawn.online/index.php?ti...

A great tip I forgot to add into the video: Because your skills scale with Attack stat regardless of weapon type. Depending on market condition and the state of in game economy, you can get yourself an undesirable weapon with the right stats for your build and it will help you greatly through the early leveling process. As an example, at the moment of making this video, T3 Bows are incredibly cheap in Serafine server, 20-30k silver compared to 100-300k for other weapon types of the same tier. You can get a T3 bow with good Int roll and be 90% as effective with a spell casting build for 1/10 of the cost.

Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/orange_vest

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Damage Types
1:33 - How Weapon Attack Affect Skills
4:05 - Difference In Auto Attack Scaling
6:14 - Melee vs Ranged, 2H vs 1H
6:40 - Shields
7:40 - Weighted Attribute Rolling
9:45 - Which Stats Scale with Infusion


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