YOU - [ Sterek Spider-Man AU]

Описание к видео YOU - [ Sterek Spider-Man AU]

“So, you’re telling me we BOTH had a crush on each other but we were to chicken to actually tell each other? Hold on, no. Didn’t you just say you also had a big boner for gayman? Where you already cheating on me, on us? That doesn’t really make sense since we weren’t together. Wait, are we together now because I need to know or otherwise I’m gonna die in a tight suit and with blue balls. Oh my -,”

“Stiles, just breathe. I wasn’t “cheating” on you because I already knew”

“You knew it was me but you pretended not to and made me plan all the how-to-tell-Derek-without-freaking-him-out-mission? I can’t believe you made me go through this. I couldn’t sleep for days! I hate you so much right now”

“I knew it was you because when I looked at him I got the same feeling when I look at you”

“A good feeling?”

“Definitely a good feeling”

Stiles grins and steps closer to Derek. “So are we going to be that badass couple who saves the world together?”

“For as long as you want”

“What about forever?”

Derek smiles “I can handle forever”


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