香港屋邨遊|平民豪宅華富邨重建前留影|瀑布灣看日落|遊屋邨商場舊舖|港島好去處|Wah Fu Estate|

Описание к видео 香港屋邨遊|平民豪宅華富邨重建前留影|瀑布灣看日落|遊屋邨商場舊舖|港島好去處|Wah Fu Estate|



隱秘的美景亦潛藏在華富邨周遭,只要跨過瀑布灣公園的藍色欄杆,就能看到窩藏其中的秀麗景緻。畫家William Harvell在1816年把瀑布灣畫成《The Waterfall, at Hong Cong》,當年的水流較大,在薄扶林水塘興建落成後,瀑布的規模大減,卻仍不乏市民及遊客前往「打卡」。

除了羨煞旁人的醉人美景,華富邨亦被稱為「名人搖籃」,前律政司司長黃仁龍、前電盈副主席張永霖、I.T. 時裝集團老闆沈嘉偉、1994 年港姐冠軍譚小環、電台 DJ 小儀、創作歌手藍奕邦、漫畫家邱福龍等都曾在這裡居住、長大,因此被認為是「大富大貴」的風水福地。




Wah Fu Estate, which was built in 1967, is the first “Twin Tower Blocks” with a township concept, including infrastructures such as a wet market, a shopping mall, a library and schools.

Donald Liao Poon-Huai, known as “The Father of Public Housing” in Hong Kong, is the architect behind the project. He designed the buildings at different heights to adapt to the landscape and maximize the number of sea-viewing flats.

The beautiful scenery of Waterfall Bay is hidden within Wah Fu Estate and was painted as 《The Waterfall, at Hong Cong》by William Harvell in 1816. You may find residents and tourists checking in here on their social media.

Wah Fu Estate was first of its kind, making a significant upturn in the standard of living for Hong Kong’s public housing. However, it could not stand the test of time and will be renovated gradually. Spectacular sunsets, nostalgic design and stories across generations are awaiting for your visit to Wah Fu Estate.

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