Grow Native! Webinar Series: James Faupel - Gauging Success of an Urban Native Planting

Описание к видео Grow Native! Webinar Series: James Faupel - Gauging Success of an Urban Native Planting

James Faupel is the Restoration Ecology Coordinator at the Litzsinger Road Ecology Center in St. Louis. Whether you are just beginning your native planting or have been enjoying it for years, you will learn what to look for to know if you are succeeding in helping your local ecosystem thrive.
This live webinar took place June 10, 2020, as part of Missouri Prairie Foundation's June Grow Native! Webinar Series.

Thank you to all of our 2020 Grow Native! sponsors. All of our sponsors can be found here:

Resources mentioned during this presentation:
The Grow Native! website:
Free pdf of SNR's Native Landscaping Guide: https://www.missouribotanicalgarden.o...
Help select the right native plant for your site: Grow Native! Native Plant Database:
Help select the right native plant for your site: National Wildlife Federation's plants by zip code:
Track and identify what is growing/living in your yard with this app for your cell phone, or use the browser version for your desktop:
Find Grow Native! professional members in our 2020 online Resource Guide:


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