月季品种介绍: 开幕之夜 |Rose Opening Night |Red Hybrid Tea Rose |Rosa | 红色茶香|玫瑰

Описание к видео 月季品种介绍: 开幕之夜 |Rose Opening Night |Red Hybrid Tea Rose |Rosa | 红色茶香|玫瑰

月季品种介绍: 开幕之夜;Rose Opening Night

1998 年全美玫瑰选育大赛 (AARS) 的获胜者——开幕之夜玫瑰,是一种屡获殊荣的杂交茶香月季,从晚春到初秋,开着令人惊艳的红色花朵。这种耐热、旺盛的玫瑰能适应各种气候和土壤,在全国各地的花园中脱颖而出。

开幕之夜玫瑰从尖尖的卵形花蕾开始,展开成 4 英寸长的花朵,有 25 到 30 片大而厚、柔软的花瓣。这些持久的花朵高高地悬挂在 15 英寸长的强壮茎上,散发出淡淡的甜香,是任何花瓶中都可欣赏的切花。

植物本身直立,略微蔓延,哑光的深绿色叶子与深红色花朵形成鲜明对比。成熟时高 4 英尺,宽 3 英尺,非常适合花坛、混合多年生植物边界、低矮的树篱、切花花园和大型露台容器。

The Opening Night rose, an All-America Rose Selections (AARS) winner in 1998, is an award-winning hybrid tea rose that shines from late spring to early fall with stunning red blossoms. This heat-tolerant, vigorous rose is adaptable to various climates and soils, making it a standout in gardens across the country.

Opening Night starts with pointed, ovoid buds that unfurl into 4-inch blooms with 25 to 30 large, thick, velvety petals. These long-lasting blooms, held aloft on strong 15-inch stems, exude a light sweet fragrance, making them sensational cut flowers for any vase.

The plant itself boasts an upright, slightly spreading habit with matte, dark green leaves that beautifully contrast the deep red flowers. At a mature size of 4 feet high and 3 feet wide, it's perfect for beds, mixed perennial borders, low hedges, cut gardens, and large patio containers.

Background music:
Blooming Melody by Keys of Moon | “  / keysofmoon”  
Music promoted by “https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/”
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0


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