AI-based Real-time Smart Traffic Management System SIH 2024.

Описание к видео AI-based Real-time Smart Traffic Management System SIH 2024.

Smart India Hackathon 2024.
Team Name: HACK SQUAD.
College Name: Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research Badnera.
Problem Statement: A smart AI-based solution for traffic management on routes with heavy traffic from different directions, with real-time monitoring and adaptation of traffic light timings.

Project Description:
Hello, We are Hack Squad. Our Problem Statement is an AI-based solution for traffic management on routes with heavy traffic from different directions, with real-time monitoring and adaptation of traffic light timings.

Traffic congestion is a major problem in urban areas, and worldwide a lot of people are facing problems like stress and frustration, time loss, wastage of fuel air, noise pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, negatively impacting public health and the environment. The increasing number of vehicles, inadequate infrastructure, and inefficient traffic management systems contribute to these persistent gridlocks.

Due to this, the average time travel per 10 kilometers in Bangalore is 29 minutes. Driving 5 kilometers between 6 pm - 7pm is about 19 minutes.

In Delhi, vehicles are the the worst offenders when it comes to pollution, half of the pollution in India is just because of vehicles in traffic jams, also sound pollution is one of the biggest problems due to vehicles. India ranked 2nd when it comes to sound pollution.

To address these challenges, one promising approach is the implementation of AI-powered real-time smart traffic management systems. These systems leverage advanced technologies to monitor traffic conditions in real time, optimize traffic signal timings, and improve traffic flow. By analyzing data from sensors and cameras, AI algorithms can predict traffic patterns, identify congestion hotspots, and dynamically adjust traffic signals to minimize delays.
If an ambulance or any other emergency service is in a lane and further there is a traffic jam, and these vehicles are detected by cameras, then suddenly it turns the signal to green if it is red. Technologies such as OpenCV, machine learning, and IoT (Internet of Things) play a crucial role in enabling smart traffic management. Computer vision algorithms can analyze video footage to detect and track vehicles, pedestrians, and other objects on the road. Machine learning models can learn from historical traffic data to predict future traffic patterns and optimize signal timings. IoT devices, including sensors and cameras, can collect real-time traffic data and transmit it to a central system for analysis.

technologies used for it are
HTML, CSS and javascript, PHP, and My SQL for frontend and backend development. Python is used for Data Analysis and for training machine learning models. Embedded C is used to control IOT Devices. Frameworks like Py Torch and OpenCV are used for image processing. MYSQL for database Management. IoT devices like Cameras and Sensors for Capturing images and Signal timing.

The IOT devices, like Cameras and sensors, are used to capture images/videos to collect the data. Then it will calculate the traffic density and also calculate the density of the road and compare two; if the density of the road is high then signal timing will increase, and if it is low then it will decrease the signal timing. It will calculate the signal timing, and further, it will be displayed on the Signals.

The advantages of AI-powered smart traffic management systems are significant. By improving traffic flow and reducing congestion, these systems can save commuters time and money, reduce fuel consumption, and decrease emissions. Businesses can benefit from improved operational efficiency and reduced costs. Additionally, these systems can enhance road safety by reducing the risk of accidents.

The cost of this project all over India will be around one crore.
Hardware will cost ninety-five thousand
the software will cost around one lakh
installation will cost around fifty thousand and annual maintenance will cost around 10 thousand.

In conclusion, traffic jams pose a serious challenge to urban areas, leading to economic, environmental, and social problems. AI-powered smart traffic management systems offer a promising solution by leveraging advanced technologies to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion. By implementing these systems, cities can improve the quality of life for their residents and businesses, while also contributing to a more sustainable and livable environment.


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