xqc clips of the gamba goblin

Описание к видео xqc clips of the gamba goblin

Gamba Gamba Gamba Gamba.
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The best protein and gymwear: https://tidd.ly/3C97dHW
If you are the original owner of the content viewed in this video, please contact me at [email protected]

Please find xQc's socials here:
Twitch:   / xqcow​  
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDT...
Twitter:   / xqc​  
Instagram:   / xqcow1​  
Reddit:   / ​  
Discord:   / discord  
Merch: https://metathreads.com/collections/xqc

Outro Song: Inova - Disowned
Song at 03:04: Casa Bossa Nova

You can also find my socials here:
  / bozzeh10  
2nd Channel:    / @xqcpepegaclips9610  

Submit your clips or suggest your video titles here: https://forms.gle/323aLMFV2haoTTTJA

Clip links in order as seen in the video:
00:00 -   / frozencoweringtarocopythis-qq7bgnzavhc5g6vo  
00:20 -   / patientcogentlegstonelightning-gts-_s4cerj...  
00:34 -   / exciteddepressedloriskevinturtle-lf2lvsbs1...  
01:10 -   / distinctfancyfloofdxabomb-asnkgify4crcyimo  
01:48 -   / bashfulgrosskimchipoooound-zow94qew_-np4qiy  
02:08 -   / thirstystylishgnatunsane-ggfxxyyqflfffjzm  
02:36 -   / suavestormyjackaldansgame-yzpwqwyzxz97b0av  
02:44 -   / sparklingglamorousramennononocat-gkevpx4jp...  
02:59 -   / glutenfreedepressedmangotebowing-3xqnifbgb...  
03:04 -   / vastsuavejuiceseemsgood-ezwfroirhfuxv4wu  
03:41 -   / encouragingmistyminkwutface-foxz0btxtnvk-bs8  
04:14 -   / rudewittytoadarsonnosexy-72pn9kjcmiunjtrh  
04:48 -   / brainypowerfuljalapenopjsalt-kkevqupe4dkrxgp-  
05:14 -   / popularculturedmageresidentsleeper-dp-byoo...  
05:22 -   / tastyspinelesshabanerorulefive-g1_7pdfjzuc...  
05:48 -   / belovedsmilingwitchcoolstorybro-eycjucoiut...  
05:53 -   / quaintalluringoryxritzmitz-0muqh9-euccdamcj  
06:29 -   / lazydirtyalbatrosswutface-cwrsdb0oo7dlz20e  
06:58 -   / vibrantephemeraltrayampenergycherry-aknvcz...  
07:14 -   / livelysolidclampjsugar-ix14qt2tkxbherbw  
07:26 -   / popularmagnificentmangopartytime-pnwot3tyx...  
07:50 -   / venomousawkwardmushroommcat-xcftgdwlg_nxe53l  
08:16 -   / nastyinquisitivebibimbapimglitch-xggcgggpb...  
08:32 -   / richswisscattlebabyrage-8gg2ta11-i4onfvt  
08:50 -   / modernvasttriangleargieb8-svylkphq6ei2w_bd  
09:01 -   / patientbusyturnipnerfredblaster-ymbbax4-kp...  
10:00 -   / abstemiousshortiguanakreygasm-h4wgysagvy0g...  
10:22 -   / chillyzanysandstormkapow-ae9nn4ueslt_sxqo  
10:46 -   / tangentialspunkycucumberklappa-z3o5eiygras...  
10:55 (last clip) -   / distinctproductivebatteryyouwhy-yrurk1p8lq...  

xQcOW? xQc (Felix Lengyel) is the gaming golem on the Twitch.tv platform. The OW is short to Overwatch. He amasses a following of 5.9M+ on his twitch profile, and his viewership and interactions/impressions reach upto thousands, even millions across all of his social platforms. All his social links can be found in the links section to view xQc's profiles. xQc is the MEGALUL warlock we all know, my favorite label is EL GOBLINO, but other nicknames may be Mr.Cow, The Fart of Twitch, X, xQ Cow, PVC, QVC, HDTV, LMG, PVP etc...He also refers to himself as the gaming golem, warlord of the gaming scene. His early mark on Twitch was due to his popularity on Overwatch, he is a top500 tank main, but he also competed in the Overwatch League for Dallas Fuel and in the Overwatch World Cup with Canada. These days, xQc finds his rhythm by entertaining through variety of games, generally his main game is GTA 5 on the No Pixel server, where xQc represents two different characters, Jean Paul (JP) and Pierre Paul (PP). Other games within variety include Minecraft, Overwatch, Chess, Fortnite, Valorant, CSGO, Simulators, Horror just to name a few!


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