[賤哥的灶卡] 鹽烤香魚 Grill Ayu Fish

Описание к видео [賤哥的灶卡] 鹽烤香魚 Grill Ayu Fish

Back in Taiwan when I was a little kid, sometimes we would order this Ayu fish (aka Sweetfish). It usually came with fish roe. Ayu fish normally served stand in S shape. I made them the same way but the s shape is not as obvious. Probably can do it better but it stands anyway. I guess standing makes it look better.

The reason to coat the fish fins with salt is to prevent over burn. The Ayu fish tasted good with lightly sprinkle salt.

材料 Ingredients:
香魚3尾 Ayu fish or Sweetfish 3 counts
鹽 Salt
竹籤或鐵籤3根 Bamboo or iron sticks 3 counts

1. 香魚洗淨
Wash clean Ayu
2. 洗過水竹籤,從魚鰓上方插入,沿著背脊左右大S的方式往魚尾方向走,從魚尾出來
Wetted bamboo stick, poke the fish from fish gills side, follow the spine, left and right to make the S shape, and end at the fish tail
3. 稍微擦乾
Wipe dry the fish
4. 把魚鰭的部分裹上鹽
Coat the fish fins with salt
5. 在魚身體灑上鹽
Sprinkle salt over fish body
6. 烤箱預熱400度F, 要烤15分鐘
Preheat oven to 400F, overall baking time 15 minutes
7. 大概8分鐘的時候翻面
At about 8 minutes, turn the fish
8. 最後1分鐘可以翻回來
At about last minute, turn the fish back
9. 時間到就好了
Ready and serve


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