ProMedUSA installs 2nd Tersano LotusPro Stabilised Ozonated Water System at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

Описание к видео ProMedUSA installs 2nd Tersano LotusPro Stabilised Ozonated Water System at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Singapore is always looking to improve their Sustainability profile, and reduce their reliance on chemicals, eliminate paper and plastic waste, and reduce their carbon footprint.

Realising the potential impact that switching from cleaning chemicals to Tersano Stabilised Aqueous Ozonated Water could make, they embarked on a very ambitious trial.

After 6 months of extensively testing the effectiveness of Tersano's Stabilised Aqueous Ozonated Water (SAO) against their cleaning chemicals and disinfectants, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital validated the effectiveness of SAO and purchased 2 Tersano LotusPro systems.

Last week, we installed the second system just outside of the main operating theatre, where KTP staff will use the SAO for general cleaning and sanitising the area, and for sanitising the stainless steel carts that they use to bring surgical trays into the operating theatre.

While Tersano SAO is not marketed as a disinfectant, KTP compared the effectiveness of Tersano's SAO to the disinfectant that they were using on the carts, and determined that Tersano was every bit as effective at killing the pathogens that they were concerned about.


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