NFS The Run - [Track Tips Video] " Live Free or Drive Hard "

Описание к видео NFS The Run - [Track Tips Video] " Live Free or Drive Hard "

First part of the track, against the Zonda (very technical):
at the very beginning: both are oncoming lanes, so you should try to build up some NOS
as you pass the road dividers get as far right as possible to begin negotiating the left turn. Slam the brakes before you get to the bus stop and begin turning when you've just passed it. Don't accelerate until your car is aligned properly on the turn.
use the shortcut on the right and go full throttle (+ NOS as you exit it). You should be ahead of the Zonda by now
try using the oncoming all the way through the hairpin part to build up NOS.
on the hair pins the most important thing is riding the apexes. They will swoop you out of the turns at much higher speeds. I use NOS to get back to speed in between the hairpins. On the last hairpin go full throttle and ride the apex, you should exit it it at around 150km/h (90-100 mp/h).
stay on the oncoming and watch out for traffic.
when you pass the two right turns and get to the walled up part you can take the turn without braking, just releasing the throttle on the way in.

Second part of the track, against the Mclaren (least difficult part of the track):
this is one of the easiest to explain: use the video for reference about the best track path to follow
for the turns I use the same technique: no brakes, just release the throttle (with a wheel you can actually go easily flat throughout the entire middle sector).
the most important thing is to maintain your speed! (avoid getting outside the asphalt, impacts with walls or the opponent). Keep it clean and tidy.

Third part of the track , against the Lamborghini Sesto (this is the most technical of all and it's highly dependent on the amount of traffic and a bit of luck, at least on my part):
as you enter this part stay on the oncoming and dodge traffic. You should be passing the Sesto easily before you get to the turn
the S turn (right-left) - this is where you need a bit of luck (both on the way in and on the way out). Regardless you should be braking just before you get to the luminous arrows on the left, release the brakes, take right and hit throttle when you exit the right turn and enter into the left turn. This will shift the balance on the car and provide more grip, thus better handling.
next is another S turn(left-right). I try to take it without braking, just releasing the throttle on the way in and accelerating on the way out.
next is a right turn, road dividers and another right turn: you should brake very little as you enter the 1st turn. If you're low on speed you can go through it without baking at all (just releasing throttle a little on the way in). Try using the divider on far left. this will give you the best line to enter the next right turn.
next is a 'hairpin-like' right turn and a shallow left after (kind of like an S curve). Take it wide on the way in and ride the apex (try not to get onto the grass it will slow you down). I only hit throttle when I'm entering the shallow left and the NOS all the way through.
dodge traffic but it's useful to use get some near misses for more NOS.

Hope it helps and good luck!


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