3Racing Sakura D5-RR Pro Red Editon Shakedown Out Of Box

Описание к видео 3Racing Sakura D5-RR Pro Red Editon Shakedown Out Of Box

I almost forgot about this chassis from when I unboxed it last year! The Sakura D5-RR Pro is a very nice looking chassis with the red trim on the aluminum parts. Surprisingly, it drifts better than the AuperD5 did out of the box. I noticed the steering geometry looked very similar to the regular D5-RR and D5-MR chassis. This is a good this as it meant we could send the car into corners nicely and feel good about it :D I was actually getting reverse entries at one point once the new tires broke-in :D Shoutout to Team Bad Shoppe driver Jay H. for drifting the car around the track :D With a tune it should be a slapper :D Enjoy the video!

Equipment Installed:

OMG Polaris DR-120A X3 2021 Red ESC (Boost Enabled)
OMG EPIC-2 10.5T Bad Shoppe Edition Red Brushless Sensored Motor
OMG Predator NBS-LP-16BF Bad Shoppe Edition Red Brushless USB Programmable Servo
OMG V4 3-Axis Bad Shoppe Edition Black 3-Channel Drift Gyro
OMG RFS04C 2.4 Ghz Futaba Compatible Receiver
Futaba 4PM 4-Channel 2.4Ghz Radio System
Reve-D 3700Mah 100C 2S LiPo Battery
Yokomo DRC Tires Mounted On Topline 7mm Wheels


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