Dynamics, Grief in Relationships with Narcissists, Cluster B (Zagreb Seminar, Part 4 of 5)

Описание к видео Dynamics, Grief in Relationships with Narcissists, Cluster B (Zagreb Seminar, Part 4 of 5)

At first, the narcissist or borderline idealizes you. Then comes the ineluctable devaluation and discard, followed by the most profound grief you have ever experienced.

The field of personality disorders is at an impasse, reflected in the competing diagnostic models in the DSM 5-TR (the categorical lists of diagnostic criteria imported verbatim from the DSM-IV-TR vs. the dimensional, descriptive alternative models, relegated to the appendices). We need to reconceive of cluster B personality disorders as posttraumatic dissociative conditions involving self-states (subpersonalities with pseudoidentities).

This seems to be the most clinically rigorous way to rid ourselves of excessive comorbidities and polythetic diagnoses. Recasting cluster B personality disorders as post-traumatic conditions which involve dissociation goes a long way towards resolving these outstanding conundrums and provides for hitherto absent efficacious treatment modalities.

Clinicians Seminar in Zagreb, December 8, 2024, Organized by Snaga Namjere https://snaganamjere.com/

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