DIY - 4x4x4 RGB LED Charlie Cube - Part 1

Описание к видео DIY - 4x4x4 RGB LED Charlie Cube - Part 1

DIY - 4x4x4 RGB LED Charlie Cube - Part 1

Parts List
* 5mm defused common cathode RGB LEDs x 64 pcs (get some extra)
* 20 gauge bare copper wire
* Arduino nano board
* Prototype board
* Ribbon cable
* Single strand wire to connect layers.
* Soldering and other support equipments and tools

How to make:
This cube is called Charliecube designed by Asher Glick and Kevin Baker. This cube works on the charlieplexed principle. You can check Asher Glick's website for more information of Charlie cube.

Take the one LED and carefully observe it before start making the cube. LED has a four pins. One is ground (common cathode) and others are for red, green and blue colors. There is a notch on the LED. Second pin from notch side which is the longest one is cathode (ground) pin. Make simple circuit from UNO and crocodile pins to test each LED before you solder them. Same circuit can be used to test each of the 16 spire.

Our cube has total 16 spires and each spire made of 4 LEDs. To make spire you will first need jigs please find below link of thingiverse project that you can print to make jigs.

Once your jigs parts are printed, take bare copper wire and make 64 pcs each 5 inch long. They must be straight. To straighten them use drill machine and plier. Take LED bend jig and put the LED in the hole and bend all four legs. Make sure direction of bending each legs and you have to follow same bending direction each time. In our case first leg from notch side will bent straight up, last leg will bent down, longest cathode leg left side and remaining leg to the right side. check video for more information.

Take spire solder jig and put two straighten copper wire in the given slots. Put LED in the top most hole. Check the direction of notch. Second LED notch will be rotated 90 degree to the first one. Same way keep rotating notch of 3rd and 4th LED. If you solder them in same direction your LEDs will not light up properly. So follow same method each and every time. Once all 16 spires are ready test them using simple circuit we made to ensure all solder joints are properly made.

We are now ready to solder all spires on the prototype board and it will actually looks like cube once all 16 spires soldered on the prototype board.

Track Info:
Adventures by A Himitsu   / a-himitsu  


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