ELECRAFT K2/100 ... Serial Number 2650 ...

Описание к видео ELECRAFT K2/100 ... Serial Number 2650 ...

I originally purchased this Elecraft K2 at the Dayton Hamvention in 2001 ...

I assembled it and used it for QRP ops until I got serious about chasing DX ... with 5 Watts or so and only a dipole antenna, I really couldn't expect to get great results DXing ...

I sold this radio to a ham friend in 2010-11, and unfortunately he became a Silent Key (sk) several years ago ... the K2 came back home to me, and it came with several enhancements ...

A 100 Watt amplifier, the SSB module, a transverter, an I/O port. and an outboard KAT100 antenna tuner ...

I always have been impressed with how quiet this radio is, and even with my noise level (that you can hear in this video), the filters do a great job of quieting the noise ...

While it was difficult to lose a good friend, I'm glad to bring this radio back home ... he would have wanted that to happen ...

R.I.P., Bill - AA4OC ... you are greatly missed ...

73, Wey - K8EAB
Metro Atlanta, Georgia



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