The Autumn Shroud: The Chaos of the 2021 Las Vegas Raiders

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The 2021 Las Vegas Raiders were a team. They were loaded with enough drama and turmoil to give the 1993 Houston Oilers a run for their money. And like those Oilers, they somehow kept winning despite all of the chaos. Usually by means of game-winning field goal, but it's all you need to do.

Chaos in the executive branch.
Rumors of tax issues.
A head coach fired for a scandal completely unrelated to the team.
A promising wideouts career ended in rage-inducing idiocy.
A first-round cornerback threatening people on social media.
Countless injuries and another DUI arrest.
And a simple coin that prophesized greatness.

These stories and more are the 2021 Las Vegas Raiders. Might be a bit early to tell this tale, but it's best to depict it when it's fresh in the mind.

I honestly can't wait for the 30 for 30 that comes out about this team in the future.


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