Lavos' Theme ~ Chrono Trigger ~ Piano and Pipe Organ

Описание к видео Lavos' Theme ~ Chrono Trigger ~ Piano and Pipe Organ

I live stream music every week!
  / karacomparetto  

Chrono Trigger Merchandise:

Behind the Scenes Article

Special thanks to ‪@JimmyOnGuitar‬ for the audio and video recordings!

Special thanks to Ninjafish for creating this video!

This theme was obviously meant for the pipe organ! I chose to release this theme later in the game as opposed to the first time you hear it in the dome in the Future, because I liked the way all three Lavos battle themes sounded back to back. So I think you can guess what the next two tracks will be ;)

Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda

#chronotrigger #piano #videogamemusic #pipeorgan


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