Looking Back at 2023: Centre for Circular Economy!

Описание к видео Looking Back at 2023: Centre for Circular Economy!

Friend In Need India Trust has two divisions: The Centre for Circular Economy and the Rural Living Lab in Kameswaram village in Tamil Nadu. Here, we present our activities of 2023 in the Centre for Circular Economy. If these interest you, do look up our website. You are welcome to join us as a volunteer or intern.

Music Credits:
Dear Malte Marten, Thank you for sharing your passion and creativity with the world. Your music has made a significant impact, and we are sincerely grateful for the positive energy and inspiration it brought to our video.

Song Title: Sun and Moon Meditation | 1 hour handpan & guitar music | Malte Marten & Luna Mando
YouTube Channel: ‪@MalteMarten‬
Link to the Music:    • Sun and Moon Meditation | 1 hour hand...  

Friend In Need India Trust


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