Foliage Fire Exchange | H&D: Bertgold | Part 3

Описание к видео Foliage Fire Exchange | H&D: Bertgold | Part 3

Well, I suppose it's inevitable that I meet with the infamous "people shooting each other through trees" shenaniganery. Kinda glad that my allies are sorta able to retaliate, though it probably doesn't help that the enemies are probably hidden behind cover while all my guys could do is stand by like sitting ducks on the open road.

Half my guys are badly injured and I'm still not even in the other half of the map yet. Whooee. I guess I should be happy that I haven't got too much casualties compared to the whole trench offensive bit. Too bad I still couldn't find any launchers after a good search of the battlefield, starting to think that having omniscience to bring AT mines is exactly the mod's intended design.

Mods Used:
Personal Sound Addon: Unreleased, due to credits reason, sorry!


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