The EmComm Tools Story - The what, why and how?

Описание к видео The EmComm Tools Story - The what, why and how?

This video is a practice run of my upcoming talk on EmComm Tools for the Chandler Amateur Radio Club. This presentation is not for everyone, but it was a good opportunity for me to practice a dry-run of my talk.

0:00 Intro
0:39 Presentation
1:05 About Me
3:54 Problem 1: Offgrid Property
5:10 Solution: Ham Radio
6:39 Problem 2: Summits on the Air
8:37 Solution 2: APRS
14:19 First Field Station
16:40 Second Field Station - The Manpack
20:00 EmComm Tools v0.0.1
23:34 EmComm Tools v0.0.2 - Geolocating Hams
26:52 Panasonic CF-20 Toughbook
30:56 EmComm Tools - Design Principles
33:33 EmComm Tools - Demo
47:56 EmComm Tools - Architecture
49:50 EmComm Tools - Project Milestones
51:08 EmComm Tools - Follow the Project

I'll spend 30 minutes talking about the history and the experiences that led me to develop EmComm Tools. These experiences are pivotal to understanding the design decisions, the feature set, and direction of the EmComm Tools project.

If you want to support the project consider following me on

#TheTechPrepper #EmCommTools #HamRadio


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