Do Prophets Still Exist Today?

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Do Prophets Still Exist Today?

In other words can God still use someone to tell you something about your future? That’s coming up next on the BEAT.

Hey everyone my name is Allen Parr thank you so much for visiting my channel. Here on the BEAT we release a brand new video every Tuesday and today we are talking about the controversial subject of prophecy and whether this gift still exists today. And so I want to give you 3 things that I see that are different about prophets in the Bible and modern-day prophets then end by answering the question “what should you do when someone comes to you and says ‘I have a word from God for you’”

1. Prophets confronted SIN and called to REPENTANCE
a. The prophets of the OT challenged the people head-on on sin issues that they were dealing with in that day (whether it may be immorality, adultery, idolatry, oppression of the poor, obstruction of justice, etc.) and then called the people back to repentance.
b. These guys were HATED by the people and often times got stoned because their message consisted of things people DIDN’T want to hear rather than telling them what they DID want to hear
c. This is a very different message than what we hear today where modern-day prophets often avoid confronting our generation on issues of sexual sin, adultery, divorce, abortion and instead focus more on things they know people do want to hear such as pronouncing blessing, prosperity, healing and financial breakthrough over people’s lives.

2. Prophets were SPECIFIC not GENERAL
a. You ever go to a church service and someone who claims to be a prophet says “there’s someone in here with cancer? And that could be like half the people in there.”
b. There is someone sitting on the third row who went to the doctor on Thursday and got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer who has been given 3 months to live.
c. Prophets in the Bible were very careful to make sure that they were truly Deut. 18:20 says, “Stoned which means they were very careful to make sure they were speaking on behalf of God” which means we need to be very careful about saying that we “have a word from God” for someone or “God told me to tell you…”
d. So, when you are assessing whether someone is a prophet or not make they are specific with their prophecies.
e. Accurate – they came to pass 100% of the time. There was no hit or miss with a true prophet.
f. And the didn’t depend on whether the people receiving it had enough faith to believe it.

3. Prophets were not MOTIVATED by MONEY
a. You got so many prophets today who will charge people an arm and a leg to attend a conference knowing how desperate people are to hear a word from God. Then when they get into the conference they promise people a financial blessing if they further sow a seed into their ministry.
b. The prophets in the bible lived and led very humble lives which is much different than much of what we see today. WITH ALL OF THAT BEING SAID…

What should you do when someone speaks a word of prophecy over you?
a. Receive it because it could very well be that God is trying to get a message to you through them – 1 Thess. 5:20-21
b. Check it against the Scripture because God never contradicts Himself and the Bible says He is not the author of confusion. He will never tell a prophet something to tell you – 1 Jn. 4:1
c. Ask God to confirm it to you – I’ve seen people adjust their entire lives and make decisions based on what a self-proclaimed prophet told them only to later discover that person didn’t hear from God but it was too late.
d. Ask God for wisdom – James 1:5

So, does the gift of prophecy still exist today? I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that clearly says it doesn’t but the problem is you may have to sift through a few false prophets who will lead you astray to get to a true prophet.


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