Recording of phone callsIs call recording valid proof in court?

Описание к видео Recording of phone callsIs call recording valid proof in court?

Recording of phone calls
Is call recording valid proof in court?

Outrageous Traffic Police Officer Caught Cursing and Abusing Citizen on Duty: Video Evidence Surfaces

Unacceptable behavior from a traffic police officer caught on camera! This video evidence shows the officer verbally abusing a member of the public while on duty. This is not how our law enforcement officials should conduct themselves. Let's make sure justice is served and this behavior is not tolerated. Share this to spread awareness and demand action.

#trafficpoliceabuse #policemisconduct #unprofessionalbehavior #accountabilityneeded #videoevidence #corruptpolice #endpolicebrutality #publicoutcry #justiceforvictim #trafficenforcementfail


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