मंगला - Mangala 1950 - Dramatic Movie | Bhanumathi Ramakrishna, Ranjan, Doraiswamy

Описание к видео मंगला - Mangala 1950 - Dramatic Movie | Bhanumathi Ramakrishna, Ranjan, Doraiswamy

Watch Mangala 1950, Classic Movie
Director: S.S. Vasan.
Producer: S.S. Vasan.
Story: Gemini Story Department.
Dialogue: Pandit Indra, J.S. Casshyap.
Actor: Bhanumathi, Ranjan, Suryaprabha, Agha, David, Badri Prasad, Narayan Rao, Krishnamurthi, Indira Acharya, B.S. Kalla, T.E. Krishnamachariar, Surabhi Kamala, Swaraj, Yogindranath, Pawan Sarin.
#HindiMovie #OldHindiMovie #SuperhitClassicMovie #BollywoodSuperhitMovie #ClassicMovies #ultraclassic

Synopsis: Mangala (Bhanumathi), the charming daughter of a rich farmer, is very haughty by temperament. When Prince Sugunapal (Ranjan) fails to win her love, he throws a challenge that he would marry her and then imprison her for life, denying her the marital bliss. She counter-challenges him that she would bear a child from him and make the child whip him in his court.The prince marries her and puts her in a lonely palace. She makes her father (Doraiswamy) dig a tunnel from the palace to her village, sneaks through it to her house and learns dance. Disguised as a gypsy, she entices the Prince, secretly gives birth to a child, and when he grows up (Ranjan - dual role) gets her vow fulfilled through him. Realisation dawns on the Prince and the tale ends on a happy note.


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