Póssessíve partnér... I wánt you... I néed you... YOU'RE míne Dárlíng WE bélong togéther....

Описание к видео Póssessíve partnér... I wánt you... I néed you... YOU'RE míne Dárlíng WE bélong togéther....

🖤Possessive Partner 🖤
boyfriend, Partner, Crush, Dp, Sp

⚠️☠️ USE at your own Risk!!
I had goosebumps while making this and everytime I listen 😱
If u are ready.. Don't blame me if something or anything happens~
Dont use this to the person u dont even love.

_listen once
_lgbtq friendly
_listen at low comfortable volume(headphone)

Partner is too possessive, wants to have u all to its life, nothing can keep u away, needy and wants u by their side 24/7,overly protective, easily gets jealous, get insane when u r not around, they know every part of u, ur scent, ur sweat, the taste of u, ur presence, smile, tears, partner is selfishly wanting it all, always sticking with u like a leech, begs for ur attention, prioritize u everytime, their day and life is not complete if it’s not u, getting crazy if u don’t respond(text& call), cant stand if u are out of their sight, constant call and text everytime they miss u, u r the reason why ur partner’s life is complete u r the only one they need, no one like u can manipulate ur partner they know and love it, their love, obsession and possessiveness is like more than 100%, loves everything u do and say ,follow u always cos they trust ur decision to be healthy in their life, their obsession & possessiveness towards u is out of control(safe), cant leave ur side, no fights cos u control everything, cant stop thinking about u, u suddenly pops on their mind the reason they miss u even more, missing u every second, minute, hour, every day, everytime, day dream about ur face and seeing u everywhere hurry to get home and hug u tightly, loves you too much they cant help it but miss u, simps on u really hard, literally head over heels madly in love with u, submit to u, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, commits their life for u, literally worships u, want ur attention so bad they got love sick, fighting and break up is not for u, put their life on the line for u, wants to be dominated by u, respectful and kind towards u, always say“if I am not with u I’d rather die,” stands for u no matter what, calling and messaging u incessantly to know where u are and when will u return home, to protect u is their job, have a deep need to hold on u, too dependent on u, supports and give u everything, know that they are helpless without u, badly wants ur time and attention, always say “ I need u and I cant live without u, they need u cos u fulfill them in some ways and feel incomplete without u, want u all regardless of what u want for urself(safe), they show emotion of fear, misery, deterioration of losing u., they know what u like and what u don’t like they even learn and study about it, felt anxious just by thinking about separation with u, they cant control u but u can control them they like it respect it and and no complain, shows how much they love u with all their life with all their heart. They know that they will lose something so valuable if they lose ur relationship, often in touch with each other, they hate if u spend time with anyone or pursue interest outside relationships because they want to keep ur attention and love for them only, hurting u and vi0l€nce are the things they wont ever do to y noou, they want a partner like u who stays by their sides, clinging on you too tightly and whispering “YOU ARE MINE”.++++more

🦋It can sometimes take awhile for universe affirmations to manifest in your life. So don’t get discouraged if they don’t work right away. Just keep believing in yourself and persistently putting positive thoughts out into the universe, and eventually your desires will become reality.🦋


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