Girl in the Well: Who Killed Lisa Todd?

Описание к видео Girl in the Well: Who Killed Lisa Todd?

In January 1988, a couple out for a walk discover skeletal remains lying at the bottom of an old industrial well at an abandoned distillery in Pennsylvania. For years detectives chase down leads from missing persons cases trying to identify the body to no avail. The autopsy indicates that this Jane Doe, probably in her teens, had been 6-months pregnant at the time of her death. Why was there no missing person report matching her description? Someone had to be looking for this girl. With a fresh set of eyes on the cold case and through the utilization of advances in DNA science, the girl is finally identified as Lisa Todd. But we still don’t know how she died or who put her there.  The case remains unsolved. Maybe you can help solve the mystery of the Girl in the Well.
For timeline, Who’s Who and photos, go to:


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