Digital Retargeting Strategy - Linkedin Ads - Linkedin retargeting strategy for b2b

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Learn more about building a solid Linkedin ads strategy and specifically a LinkedIn retargeting strategy for b2b - b2b marketing is all about building trust and credibility - Linkedin ads is the perfect way to do this.

In this video, I just talk about the core concepts around digital retargeting - My specific background centers around Linkedin ads (as I run a Linkedin ads agency) but I'm also CMO and run all the digital marketing for our startup across Google, facebook, Linkedin, programmatic, and recently dabbling in Youtube.

Hey guys, so I just wanted to talk about retargeting strategy in general and I think this is something that most people get terribly terribly wrong. And I say this from working with hundreds of accounts and auditing, some publicly traded companies ad accounts and even billion dollar companies and seeing that, you know, they just throw money at problems and waste a lot.

And it's crazy because as scrappy entrepreneurs midsize companies like we have less money to waste, so we have to be more efficient than even like the big dogs. So having a proper understanding of retargeting is super important. So I had kind of a mental breakthrough, not a breakdown, but breakthrough.

Um when, when thinking about retargeting and I asked this question, what are the core pieces of content that I wish that every prospect who visited my website would then get to see. And I answer that question in the form of retargeting, I can guarantee distribution of key pieces of content or assets that prospects who visit my website and fit certain criteria will then, you know, be forced to look at or at least exposed to and and hopefully they look at interact with. So traditionally this is a massive thing that people do wrong.

Like number one, there's, you know, do you retarget your website, visitors do stay with them over 90 days, 180 days and you know, show them different angles of your core product and you know, there's a lot of people that don't even do that. And so there's opportunity, but if you're just hitting your prospects over the head with more ads that look like ads, there's a huge missed opportunity, there's a whole strategy behind it.

So here we ask what 10, 12, whatever pieces of content do I wish every prospect would see. And then this is in the form of linkedin ads because that's obviously my area of expertise. And so there's different ad asset type, single image, text follower ads.

Video ads, lead gen forms that correspond with a different kind of content or assets that you can use those mediums to put in front of them and you can guarantee this distribution. So most people would say 90% who use retargeting ads, they're just putting their core product back in front of the person.

And then what we started to do differently was we put things that you know, would help build trust and credibility like client success stories, feedback, um other products and offerings, company page follower. Um and then we started using, you know, lead gen forms to cross promote other communities to have people sign up for our newsletter.

But the more I think about it, you know, even our process is evolving. Um I think we're under leveraging video, which is why you see me, you know, doing more of this right now because we could use video campaigns to put expertise, case studies, technical know how videos in front of them. Um introduction to the team and founder to humanize your company.

And so they don't just think of you as they do this, this and this and cost this and competitor b does this, this and this and cost this, it's more, hey, I kind of know you, I trust you, I feel comfortable working with you.

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Um and then there is a third high priority sequence. So if they are seeing your retargeting ads and they click and interact with those ads again and visit your website, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th time they get put into a 30 day high intensity high c. T. A. You know, push to really book a call with your team or fill out a lead gen form.

And so these little time chamber compartments um combined with you know, guaranteed distribution of key content that you want prospects to see that is at the heart of a really good retargeting strategy. So just something to think about.


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