Ethical Fashion Initiative and Tujikuze Empowering Artisans, One Tassel at a Time with CONAD

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Tujikuze - EFI social enterprise partner in Kenya worked on an impactful production order of 105,000 Beaded Tassels for Conad Nord Ovest.
This project required extensive involvement from 21 artisan groups across Kenya. In total 1,200 people were directly trained, 1,900 people were directly involved in the production order, of which 95% are women, and more than 2,500 people indirectly benefited from this order. Together, they produced 105,000 beaded tassels, showcasing the exceptional skills and dedication of local communities.
The work generated by this production order has strengthened the local economy by creating sustainable income streams. Artisans gained business management skills, empowering them to support their families and invest in their communities.
The project also promotes unity among traditionally rival communities by engaging them in a common goal, contributing to long-term peace and stability in the region.

Tujikuze is a new social enterprise and a partnership of visionary and like-minded Kenyan companies: Africa Collect Textiles, Savio Youth Enterprise, Virtuous and Satubo. Created in 2024 with the support of EFI, Tujikuze is producing fashion with some of the best artisan groups in Kenya.

A project of Conad Nord Ovest and D.i.Re – Donne in Rete contro la violenza with Ethical Fashion Initiative, with the support of Italian Agency for Development Collaboration
Initiative for the International Day for the elimination of violence against women.


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