CK3 Economy Guide Complete (Beginner Friendly)

Описание к видео CK3 Economy Guide Complete (Beginner Friendly)

Deep dive into CK3 economics by learning how to manage and develop your lands and technology, increase development and protect it from plagues, how vassal taxes differ between government types, and some tips on how to make a quick buck.

0:00 Intro
0:12 Overview/TOC

Part 1: Personal Domain
0:45 Setup/Intro
1:33 Domain Limit
2:52 Stewardship Lifestyle
3:32 Acquire Land
5:36 Increase Control
6:47 Manage Succession

9:11 Building Intro
11:52 Building Strategy
14:30 Duchy Building
14:55 Special Building

16:05 Army Expenses
18:38 Court Positions
19:00 Court Amenities
19:35 Checkpoint Summary #1
19:56 Culture/Innovation
22:19 Culture/Tradition
24:25 Development
29:05 Extra Baronies
31:46 Plagues
37:32 Domain Tax Summary

Part 2: Vassal Taxes
38:00 Intro
38:30 Feudal Vassals
40:55 Clan Vassals
42:34 Theocratic Vassals
43:49 Republic Vassals
44:28 Church Taxes
45:55 Tax Bonuses
45:59 Capital Bonus
46:09 De Jure
47:16 Vassal Tax Bonus
48:13 Income Bonus

Part 3: Tribal Realms
48:31 Tribal Overview
50:38 Tribal Vassals
51:52 Tribal To Feudal

Part 4: Other Gold Sources
53:49 Ask Pope for Gold
53:56 Become the Pope
54:14 Golden Obligation Perk
54:51 My Domain Perk
55:18 At Any Cost Perk
55:40 Council Rights (Vassal)
56:06 Siege Loot
56:19 Raiding
56:47 Kidnapper Perk
56:52 Banish Rich Courtier
57:36 Inheritance
58:05 Escaping Debt via Death

Game ver 1.12.4 DLC’s: Royal Court, Legends of the Dead, for pay2win mechanics
Illustrations and Information credit to paradox's official ck3 wiki: unless otherwise listed


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