[플랜트교육] Heat No. / Batch No. / Lot No. 차이점 아주 쉬운 이해 ~!!!(3분 순삭) 히트넘버, 배치넘버, 로트넘버 차이점을 쉽게 설명드립니다.

Описание к видео [플랜트교육] Heat No. / Batch No. / Lot No. 차이점 아주 쉬운 이해 ~!!!(3분 순삭) 히트넘버, 배치넘버, 로트넘버 차이점을 쉽게 설명드립니다.

Procurement Guidelines for Consumables—Welding and Allied Processes—Flux and Gas Shielded Electrical Welding Processes

3.1 dry batch
quantity of dry ingredients mixed at one time in one mixing vessel
NOTE Liquid binder, when added to a dry batch, produces a wet mix. A dry batch may be divided into smaller
quantities, in which case addition of the liquid binder produces as many wet mixes as there were smaller quantities.
3.2 dry blend
two or more dry batches from which quantities of each are combined proportionately, then mixed in a mixing
vessel to produce a larger quantity in which the ingredients are as uniformly dispersed as they would have
been had the entire quantity been mixed together at one time in one large mixer
NOTE A dry blend, as in the case of a dry batch, may be used singly or divided into smaller quantities which, when the
liquid binder is added, produce one or more wet mixes.
3.3 wet mix
combination of liquid binder and a dry batch or dry blend, or a portion thereof, mixed at one time in one mixing
3.4 heat
for consumable inserts, brazing and braze welding filler metals, solid electrodes and rods, core wire for
covered electrodes, and the sheath (strip or tubing) of tubular cored electrode wire and rod, is one of the
following, depending on the method of melting and refining of the metal:
• the material obtained from one furnace melt, where slag-metal or gas-metal reactions occur in producing
the metal (e.g., open hearth, electric arc, basic oxygen, argon-oxygen processes);
• an uninterrupted series of melts from one controlled batch of metals and alloying ingredients in one melting
furnace under the same melting conditions, each melt conforming to the chemical composition range
approved by the purchaser of the material (i.e., the producer of the welding consumable) where significant
chemical reactions do not occur in producing the metal (e.g., induction melting in a controlled atmosphere
or in a vacuum);
• an uninterrupted series of remelts in one furnace under the same remelting conditions using one or more
consumable electrodes produced from a heat, as defined, each remelt conforming to the chemical
composition range approved by the purchaser of the material (i.e., the producer of the welding
consumable) in processes involving continuous melting and casting (e.g., consumable electrode remelt).

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