"The world must know!" - The Glory of Life in the Eucharist

Описание к видео "The world must know!" - The Glory of Life in the Eucharist

I wrote this talk for an event sponsored by the University of Dallas for the 2024 Eucharistic Revival. I was inspired by a verse I've been holding in my own prayer for a few years now, namely John 14:31: “I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world is coming. He has no power over me, but the world must know that I love the Father and that I do just as the Father has commanded me. Get up, let us go.”

These words have struck me for a long time. Jesus’s resolve, his purity of desire above all else to make known the love of God – this is the heart of the Gospel: the Love between the Father and Son. Jesus wants us to witness their Love. He wants us to see this Impulse that is itself identical to God – namely, the Holy Spirit, the openness of Divine Love and therefore the Gift given to initiate us into the glory of the Trinity. And therefore, as God becomes incarnate, he passionately wants to extend his love into us, to breathe his Spirit into us and thereby gather us into the dynamic of his own action and life. Thus, he sends his Spirit to blow through history, funneling us into God, as he insists, “Get up, let us go.”

How blessed we will be when we share in Jesus’s single intention – when all our energies are channeled into the glorious expression of eternal Love. This is life in the Eucharist. Enjoy the talk, participate in the Eucharistic Revival, and may we all be gathered into God's glorious and eternal life of love!

0:00 Introduction
0:22 John 14
2:00 The Gospel: The Revelation of the Trinity & The Meaning of Salvation
4:30 The Real Presence and the Reality of Christianity
9:15 The Dynamic Presence of Jesus (Ezekiel 47)
15:06 Ongoing Reception of the Eucharist: The "Movement" of Jesus's Humanity
22:28 The Peace of Letting God's Current Flow in Our Lives
25:24 Our Finitude and Moral Frailty & Christ's Perfect Gift
30:34 The Mystical Life


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