Spotify Desktop Client for Windows XP | Working August 2024

Описание к видео Spotify Desktop Client for Windows XP | Working August 2024

Installing and testing a 3rd part desktop client for Spotify that runs on Windows XP.

You can view the project here on the developer's website:

You can support the developer here:

The regular version of Spotify stopped working on Windows XP sometime last year, an impressive near-decade after the system's retirement. I was extremely disappointed I could no longer use my trusty Dimension 3000 desktop at the music playing workstation. I stashed it away and replaced it with something else I had on hand in the meanwhile. The replacement unit serves the purpose, but does not have as good of a sound card and is slower, despite being newer and more powerful.

I was delighted to find out about this client for Spotify, and even more delighted with how easy it is to install and operate.

The program offers a basic graphical interface with many of the features found on the real program. It allows you to display and play through your library of liked songs and playlists. It also has a search function to locate music through a few different key terms. It's generally quite stable and very lightweight, running properly on a system that's even lower than the recommended specification.

There's only 2 significant drawbacks I've encountered so far which may unfortunately be a deal breaker, one being a lack of the 'Queue' function which is a feature that was added to Spotify more recently, and the other being the ability to edit playlists. If playlists could be edited and/or created on this program, I could live without the Queue function, but I need at least one or the other at this workstation for when listening to music with multiple people.

I am unsure of the ethics of using this program in regards to whether or not it violates the terms of service. I do pay for a Premium account which does not have advertising. I'm not avoiding the advertising by using it and I'm still paying the monthly bill, so I really don't think it should be an issue.

In conclusion, this is an absolutely incredible piece of software. I really appreciate the people that take the time to write these type of programs that continue to allow us to use these older operating systems. I will definitely be making good use of this client from time to time, but I'm not sure it's going to be the best fit for the main music player unit. I hope this video can give this project some much-needed recognition.


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