🌼¹☆•¹◇³ Flower back - (Epimedium grandiflorum var. thunbergianum) in Barberry Family (Berberidaceae)

Описание к видео 🌼¹☆•¹◇³ Flower back - (Epimedium grandiflorum var. thunbergianum) in Barberry Family (Berberidaceae)

○ Flower (back view) of (Epimedium grandiflorum var. thunbergianum) in Barberry Family (Berberidaceae)
¹• Family Berberidaceae (721), 19 Genera - Barberry Family

◇³ Subfamily Podophylloideae (93), 10
▪︎ Genus Achlys (3)
▪︎ Genus Bongardia (2)
▪︎ Genus Diphylleia (3)
▪︎ Genus Dysosma (11)
▪︎ Genus Epimedium (67)
▪︎ Genus Jeffersonia (1) - Twinleaf
▪︎ Genus Plagiorhegma (1)
▪︎ Genus Podophyllum (1) - Mayapple
▪︎ Genus Sinopodophyllum (1)
▪︎ Genus Vancouveria (3) - Inside-out Flower
Individual flowers have parts in fours. There are four smaller outer Sepals, usually Greenish & shed when flower opens. Moving inwards, these are followed by 'four larger Petal-like' inner Sepals, often brightly coloured. Inside Sepals are four true Petals. These may be small & flat, but often have a complex shape including a nectar-producing 'Spur' that may be longer than Sepals. There are four stamens.


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