Описание к видео KALEGA

OFFICIAL VIDEO: KALEGA - Rob Ruha & The Witch Dr.
'KALEGA' - (cah-leg-ah)
Taken from the Māori phrase "ka reka" meaning sweet or tasty, 'Kalega' is commonly used by East Coast locals to express joy, amazement and stunned reactions. It has taken many transformations including: kaleg', kalega-lega, lega-leg', Chow-lega, Chur-lega, Sao-lega, Sao and many more. It is used to replace the phrases "too much" the more widely used "Tu meke" or the current terms O.M.G and Woooooo hoooooo!!!

Kalega is the perfect soundtrack to a typical East Coast summer road trip. A pilgrimage back to the beach to chill and unwind to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the city.”

BY: Rob Ruha & The Witch Dr.
DIRECTOR: Shae Sterling
PRODUCER: Ricky Silvester
FEATURING: Rob Ruha, Tyna Keelan, Shaunlindsay (dancer), Kawana Waititi, Monica Simich-Pene, Kaaterama Pou, Jaedyn Randell (car ride) & Ngā uri o Te Whānau a Kauaetangohia.

Special thanks to Te Māngai Pāho mō te pūtea tautoko!


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