Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants

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Around 20 bears that threatened the life and health of people have been killed since May by settlers and hunters in the Esso village, situated in the Bystrinsky region of Russia's Far Eastern Kamchatka peninsula. Due to the bears' ongoing attacks, local authorities have put the town on high alert.
Civilians, hunters, police and EMERCOM officers conduct patrols when they receive reports from local citizens that bears have been hanging around. Such reports are heard practically every day.
Local citizens say they've never seen such an invasion of bears, which have completely lost their fear of humans and are increasingly being spotted close to people's houses. Many do not even react to warning shots.
Specialists say that during the past summer there were very few berries, nuts or fish, leading to a shortage of food that has forced the bears to enter human environments in their hunt for nourishment.
A local forestry agency has released additional licenses allowing hunters to shoot bears outside the settlements frequently visited by hungry bears. Inside, villagers are allowed to kill bears without a license if the animal poses a threat to people's lives.

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Around 20 bears that threatened the life and health of people have been killed since May by settlers and hunters in the Esso village, situated in the Bystrinsky region of Russia's Far Eastern Kamchatka peninsula. Due to the bears' ongoing attacks, local authorities have put the town on high alert.
Civilians, hunters, police and EMERCOM officers conduct patrols when they receive reports from local citizens that bears have been hanging around. Such reports are heard practically every day.
Local citizens say they've never seen such an invasion of bears, which have completely lost their fear of humans and are increasingly being spotted close to people's houses. Many do not even react to warning shots.
Specialists say that during the past summer there were very few berries, nuts or fish, leading to a shortage of food that has forced the bears to enter human environments in their hunt for nourishment.
A local forestry agency has released additional licenses allowing hunters to shoot bears outside the settlements frequently visited by hungry bears. Inside, villagers are allowed to kill bears without a license if the animal poses a threat to people's lives.

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Around 20 bears that threatened the life and health of people have been killed since May by settlers and hunters in the Esso village, situated in the Bystrinsky region of Russia's Far Eastern Kamchatka peninsula. Due to the bears' ongoing attacks, local authorities have put the town on high alert.
Civilians, hunters, police and EMERCOM officers conduct patrols when they receive reports from local citizens that bears have been hanging around. Such reports are heard practically every day.
Local citizens say they've never seen such an invasion of bears, which have completely lost their fear of humans and are increasingly being spotted close to people's houses. Many do not even react to warning shots.
Specialists say that during the past summer there were very few berries, nuts or fish, leading to a shortage of food that has forced the bears to enter human environments in their hunt for nourishment.
A local forestry agency has released additional licenses allowing hunters to shoot bears outside the settlements frequently visited by hungry bears. Inside, villagers are allowed to kill bears without a license if the animal poses a threat to people's lives.

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Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants
Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants
Russia: Hungry bears invade Esso village, intimidating inhabitants



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