NMJL Beat the Pro Let's Play Livestream 20241227

Описание к видео NMJL Beat the Pro Let's Play Livestream 20241227

The Beat the Pro Challenge is a let’s play livestream on the Mahj Life YouTube channel on Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM ET and Fridays from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET. Participants must have a subscription to Mahjong Time, and advanced registration is required. When the game begins, seated players must leave the livestream and can return after the game. We'll hang out and do gameplay with commentary if there are no registered players.

Want to Beat the Pro? Here's the process: https://mahjlife.com/beat-the-pro/

Games will start when registered players are seated. If you prefer to watch back-to-back games, consider joining sessions NITTY-GRITTY Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM ET or SIMPLY SOCIAL Fridays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM ET.

For program details, click https://mahjlife.com/beat-the-pro

WE'VE GOT MERCH https://mahjlife.com/merch-index/

Definately Not Awkward by Jon Presstone
Inspiring Percussion by MoodMode
Futuristic Stomp by MoodMode
Stomp Fight by MoodMode
I pour passion, time, and resources into the Mahj Life YouTube channel, Facebook group, and website, which have been free of charge to all viewers since their inception. My goal is to provide educational, enriching, and entertaining content. My mission is to help you learn fast so you can play hard.

To see the livestream schedule and speaking GIGS, check out the calendar: https://mahjlife.com/events.

For monthly highlights and future happenings, see my Snippets blog: https://mahjlife.com/snippets

If you find this content of value, consider showing your support in the following ways:
• Subscribe to my email list (http://eepurl.com/iac5Kv)
• Subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://goo.gl/zXi3d4)
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• Play at I Love Mahj (affiliate link https://tinyurl.com/y53xavjz) or Mahjong Time (affiliate link https://goo.gl/UQmWQU
• Share your personality and show your support by wearing Mahj Life MERCH https://mahjlife.com/store
• Purchase my ebook or paperback, the American Mah Jongg Primer https://mahjlife.com/books/
• Make a one-time donation - Super Chat is the little grey "$” button under the Live Chat window during live streams
• Become a Channel Member (FANATICS $4.99. OBSESSED $9.99 monthly) -    / @mahjlife  
• You could also donate by snail mail to the PO Box below.

Monies will help recover costs for equipment and software subscriptions.

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for showing your support.

Between now and the next video, may all your picks be keepers!

Michele Frizzell
Instructor, Author, Speaker
[email protected]

6175 Hickory Flat Hwy Ste 110-335
Canton, GA 30115



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